Are you looking for a local dentist office that offers comprehensive services? Yerkes Family Dental is here to help! We offer family dental services in Wilmington, IL, and you are invited to call us anytime about the treatments that are available. One of the advantages of visiting our dental office is that you have access to both general dentistry and cosmetic treatments in one convenient office.

Our goal is to improve the dental health of your entire family. Visiting the dentist on a regular basis is essential to improve overall dental health. When you visit an experienced dentist, you can feel confident you are receiving the best available treatments. Protecting your teeth and gums will help you create a healthy smile for the rest of your life.

Here are some of the dental services that we offer:

All on Four Implants

If you are missing teeth and want a full beautiful smile without uncomfortable dentures, then All on Four Implants are a great option to consider. This treatment is completed in several steps for optimal results. First, four dental implants are placed strategically within your mouth. Then, a custom-fit dental appliance is created to fit over the implants.

The benefit of All on Four Implants is that you can maintain a great smile without worrying about dentures that might slip out of place. The implants are used to secure the dentures in the right spot within your mouth. As a result, you can enjoy normal functions such as talking and eating without worrying about your teeth.

Many people find that All on Four Implants offer a great way to improve their smile and boost their confidence at the same time. It can be embarrassing to have gaps in your teeth. But, modern dental technology has made it possible to replace those teeth and improve dental function.


Would you like restoration for one or more teeth that are missing? A bridge can be created to fill in space and complete your smile. Don’t be embarrassed about the gaps because this dental treatment can be used to give you beautiful, straight teeth.

Dental bridges are designed to attach to nearby teeth to hold the dental appliance in place. This technique can be used to replace a single tooth, or it can also be a great solution if you have several teeth missing in the same area of your mouth.

For a dental bridge to be effective, it is important that you have healthy teeth to support the bridge. You are invited to schedule a consultation with our office, and we will determine if you are a good candidate for this treatment. We offer a variety of cosmetic treatments, and our goal is to help you find the best solution for your needs.


With cutting-edge dental crowns technology, we offer a fast and accurate service for every patient. We can provide same-day dental crowns to make tooth restoration appointments efficient and easy. This technology allows us to scan the tooth digitally, and then the crown is created while you relax in the dental chair.

Dental crowns are sometimes necessary if a tooth is weak or a large cavity has been removed. Previously, the treatment required several appointments because it was necessary to prepare the tooth, then wait for the crown to be manufactured in a lab, and then finally the crown was secured into place.

There is no need to wait because we have the technology that makes it possible to get it all done on the same day. Talk with us about the Cerec technology to learn more about this service.

Dentures Over Implants

Dentures are beneficial to restore a smile when teeth are missing. But, many patients have complaints about the discomfort of wearing dentures that move around their mouth. It can be frustrating to have a dental appliance slip out of place while you are eating or talking.

Dentures Over Implants can be used to improve your experience with dentures. Implants are placed within your jaw, and these posts have attachments that hold the dental appliances in place. You will be able to enjoy your daily activities without worrying about the embarrassment of dentures that slip around.

These dentures can be designed for a portion of your mouth, known as partial dentures. Or, you might choose dentures to replace all the teeth in your mouth. Talk with your dentist about your individual situation to determine the right treatment for your needs. If a full replacement is required, then we can talk about the All on Four Implants option.

Emergency Services

When a dental emergency happens, it is essential to take action as soon as possible. Delaying dental treatments might lead to bigger complications in the future. At Yerkes Family Dental, we offer emergency dental services to help in your time of need.

Whether you were in an accident that broke one of your teeth or you are experiencing a painful toothache, we are here to help! Call our office, and we will schedule a time right away to have the dentist look at your teeth and provide the treatments to save your smile. During this phone call, we can provide details about immediate treatments that should be applied before you arrive at our dental office.

Even a few hours can make a difference, so we encourage you to call as soon as the accident happens. Dr. Yerkes has experience working with a variety of dental emergencies, so you can rest assured to know that you are in good hands.


General dental services are important to help you maintain healthy teeth throughout your life. Cavities are one of the biggest reasons why patients need dental treatments. If you have tooth decay, then it is essential that you take action right away to get a dental filling. During this appointment, the dentist will carefully remove the decayed portion of the tooth. Then, a filling will be used to backfill the space and strengthen the structure of the damaged tooth.

Don’t delay these dental treatments! If you procrastinate the dental services that are needed, you might be facing bigger dental treatments in the future. For example, a small area of tooth decay will continue spreading and might lead to a root canal if left untreated.


Instead of waiting until dental problems happen, consider the benefits of fluoride treatments to maintain good dental health. This preventive service will strengthen your tooth enamel to reduce the risk of tooth decay. Many of our patients choose to have a fluoride treatment each time they visit our office for a dental exam and cleaning.

Periodontal Cleanings

A Periodontal Cleaning appointment helps you to maintain healthy, beautiful teeth. It is recommended that you visit the dentist twice a year for an exam and cleaning.

There are several reasons why you need to have your teeth cleaned and polished on a regular basis. This treatment can help to remove stains that are caused by tobacco or food. Additionally, it helps to remove the tartar that builds up over time, which in turn decreases your risk of gum disease.


Instead of waiting for tooth decay to occur, there are major benefits to using preventive services to protect the quality of your teeth. Sealants are a common treatment used for children and teenagers, offering a way to seal the chewing surfaces of the teeth to prevent food from getting caught in the crevices.

Sealants are usually applied to premolars and molars in the back of the mouth. These teeth naturally have grooves and depressions where food might get caught. If a small particle of food is caught in the area, then it could lead to tooth decay and result in the need to have a dental filling. Sealants are used to fill in these small areas to prevent food from getting caught and causing tooth decay.

This treatment is commonly used for both children and teenagers, although sealants can be used for adults as well if there are no fillings or decay on their molars. The most cavity-prone ages are between 6 to 14 years old, so this treatment is usually suggested during this age range.

Teeth Whitening

Do you want a simple, affordable way to improve the appearance of your smile? Teeth whitening is a great solution to consider if you want to boost your confidence. Over time, it is natural for teeth to become yellowed and discolored. Age causes some of these changes, as well as certain types of foods and drinks.

If you are embarrassed about the yellowed appearance of your teeth, you should talk with our office about professional teeth whitening. A single appointment can make a big difference to brighten your smile and get rid of the tooth stains. This professional teeth whitening appointment is safe and more effective than over the counter products.

One of the biggest benefits of professional teeth whitening is that you will notice immediate results from the moment you walk out of the office. You will be proud to share your smile with every person that you meet.

Tooth Extractions

There are several reasons why you might need tooth extractions. The most common reason for this dental treatment is when tooth damage is so severe that it can’t be repaired. Another reason for an extraction is if teeth need to be removed to prepare the mouth for orthodontics or other implants.

During this appointment, a local anesthetic is used to numb the area. Then the tooth is carefully removed to protect the gums, teeth, and bones surrounding the extracted tooth. It is necessary to give the site time to heal, and specific care methods need to be used after the tooth is extracted.

The goal is to preserve the quality of your natural teeth as much as possible. But, if the teeth are damaged beyond repair, then it might be necessary to remove the damaged teeth and use dental restoration to improve your smile.

Luckily, there are many restorative treatments that can be used after a tooth extraction. Missing teeth can be replaced to give you a natural smile and normal function.


A fast and effective way to improve the quality of your smile is by using dental veneers. If you are unhappy with the appearance of your teeth, then you are invited to schedule a consultation with our team. The dental veneer treatment can be beneficial to improve the shape, length, size, and color of your teeth.

Veneers offer an aesthetic benefit to change the appearance of your smile, so they fall into the category of “cosmetic dental treatments.” During the consultation, we will determine if you are a good candidate for dental veneers.

When you visit our office for your first veneer appointment, we will prepare your teeth and take measurements so that the veneers can be made to fit your smile. After veneers are created, you will visit our office for another appointment to have the veneers bonded in place. They will completely cover the front surface of your teeth to create a straight, beautiful smile.